Health Education England- Support for Trainees
Single Point of Contact- to set up 1:1 confidential appointment with a senior adviser from within the professional support unit to discuss any difficulties or dilemmas you currently face
Supported return to training- programme designed to support trainees re-entering training after a period of absence
Trainee Doctors & Dentist Support Service (TDDSS)-psychoeducation and support service which aims to offer a range of interventions to support trainees- includes access to CBT, mindfulness programmes etc.
London Deanery Professional Support Unit
Fit for Work: disability and medical conditions
Courses and Conferences run by the Professional Support Unit
Mental Health
Burnout and sources of stress in American pathology residents 2018 study, and how to address them
NHS Practioner Health Programme: confidential self-referral service for doctors and dentists in England, covering mental health problems, physical health problems raising a performance issue and substance misuse (they also do video and telephone consultations). FAQs
Mindful Medics: a free course for doctors, central London
Headspace: free for NHS until 31 Dec 2020
Planning an emotional resilience initiative in your workplace, a toolkit by the Mental Health Foundation
Occupational Health
Swiss 2012 study on occupational health risks of pathologists
Indian 2014 study on occupational concerns associated with regular microscope use
Preventing musculoskeletal disorders with microscope use (see Table/Fig-6 OSHA factsheet)
BMA: Wellbeing - sources of support including mental health and disability
Finance: Help for doctors
Tea and Empathy - Facebook Public Group: peer to peer support group for NHS (mainly doctors are active). Although the group is public, you can contact an admin privately to post anonymously.