GOOD AUTOPSY PRACTICE - a lecture series from Prof Sebastian Lucas
GOOD AUTOPSY PRACTICE - a lecture series from Prof Sebastian Lucas 〰️
Prof Sebastian Lucas resumed his popular autopsy lectures during this academic year starting from August 10th 2023. Junior trainees (ST1/ST2) and senior trainees who are continuing autopsy training will find these teaching sessions really useful.
The sessions will be held on Thursday 2-3 pm in the Large Seminar Room at St Thomas’ Hospital, Department of Cellular Pathology, Level 2, North Wing.
Trainees can join these sessions remotely via link
Past Lecture Presentations (22-23)
Past Lecture Presentations (22-23) 〰️
Additional Resources
Additional Resources 〰️
RCPath: Autopsy Guideline Series - essential reading for the CHAT
Human Tissue Authority: Codes of Practice
Health and safety at necropsy, J L Burton: Journal of Clinical Pathology 2003:56:256-260
Knight’s Forensic Pathology, by Pekka Saukko, Bernard Knight
Post Mortem Technique Handbook, by Michael Sheaff, Deborah Hopster
Atlas of Adult Autopsy: A Guide to Modern Practice, by Kim Suvarna
Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas, by Finkbeiner, Ursell and Davis,
The Hospital Autopsy, by Burton and Rutty