Old Teaching Resources
ST1 Google Classroom
Dr Wen Ng’s ST1 Google Classroom can be found here. The class code is: jjfcum3
Previous Handbooks
Past ST1 Regional Training 2022-23
1 December: Gynaecological Pathology Day
2 December 9:30am-1pm: ST1-ST2 LRCTC Cytology Study Session
7-11 November, 14-18 November: NWP Cytology
4 November 9:30am-1pm: ST1-ST2 LRCTC Cytology Study Session - [POSTPONED]
12-16 September: National ST1 week (Bristol)
26 August 2022: HEE London and South-East ST1 Induction Day
12 December: Uropathology study day
20 January 9:30am-1pm: ST1-ST2 LRCTC Cytology Study Session
2-3 February: Mid Year Review - See ST1 Handbook 2022-2023 for requirements
6 February: ST1 Dermatology study day
17 February 9:30am-1pm: ST1-ST2 LRCTC Cytology Study Session
17 March 9:30am-1pm: ST1-ST2 LRCTC Cytology Study Session
29 March: Respiratory Study Day
21 April: ST1-ST2 LRCTC Cytology Study Session
16 May: Lymphoreticular Study Day
19 May: ST1-ST2 LRCTC Cytology Study Session
22 May: ARCP
16 June: ST1-ST2 LRCTC Cytology Study Session
16 June: Audit Day
23 June: CPC Day
14 July: ST1-ST2 LRCTC Cytology Study Session
Past ST1 Regional Training 2021-22
ST1+ Paediatrics Study Day - 21st July
ST1+ Preparing for Consultant career, Independent practice & legal aspects of practice - 19th July - Programme
ST1 and ST2 Cytology Study Day - Gynae cytology black box. Non-gynae cytology black box - 15th July
Audit/CPC Day - 24th June
ST1 Lymphoreticular Pathology Study Day - 28th June
ST1 and ST2 Cytology Study Day - Diagnostic difficulties in gynae cytology, Non-gynae mixed case presentations - 17th June
ST1 Liver Pathology Study Day - 7th June - Recording 1 - 2 - 3
ST1 and ST2 Cytology Study day - Non-cervical glandular issues. Respiratory cytology - 20th May
ARCP - 23rd - 25th May
ST1 Respiratory Study Day - 11th May
ST1 Gynae Study Day - 5th May
ST1 and ST2 Cytology Study day - Endocervical dyskaryosis - CGIN. Lymph node cytology - 22nd April
ST1 and ST2 Cytology Study Day - Squamous carcinoma of the cervix. Salivary gland FNA - 18th March
ST1 Study Day - Breast - 10th March - Programme - Recording 1 - 2
BDIAP Molecular Pathology and Macro study days - 7-8th March
Paediatric Pathology (ST1-ST2) - Paediatric surgical pathology taster - congenital anomalies, common skin lesions and GI pathology - 8th February
Paediatric Pathology (ST1-ST2) - Rhabdomyosarcoma and other paediatric soft tissue tumours - 1st February
Dermatopathology Study Day - 31st January 2022
Mid-Year Review - 28th January 2022
ST1 and ST2 Cytology Study day - Difficulties with squamous dyskaryosis. Thyroid FNA - 18th February 22
Paediatric Pathology (ST1-ST2) - ALL, Burkitt’s and Hodgkin’s Lymphoma - 25th January 22
Paediatric Pathology (ST1-ST2) - Neuroblastoma and nephroblastoma - 18th January 22
Paediatric Pathology (ST1-ST2) - Common aneuploidies and cardiac malformations - 11th January 22
Paediatric Pathology (ST1-ST2) - Autopsy case presentations: TOPFA - 30th November 21
Paediatric Pathology (ST1-ST2) - Autopsy case presentations: IUD/Stillbirth - 23rd November 21
London Regional Cytology Training Centre session (ST1-ST2) - Normal cervical cytology, cervical infections, and benign serous effusions - 19th November 21
Paediatric Pathology (ST1-ST2) - Pathology of early pregnancy loss - 16th November
Paediatric Pathology (ST1-ST2) - Importance of perinatal autopsy - 2nd November
Paediatric Pathology (ST1-ST2) - Placenta: Vascular malperfusion - 26th October
Autopsy (ST1-ST5) - Dr Anna Green and Prof Lucas - 21st October - Programme
Academic Training Talk - Prof Silvia Marino - 29th September
Paediatric Pathology (ST1-ST2) - Placenta: Inflammatory lesions - 5th October
Lower GI Study Day - St George’s Hospital - 4th October
Paediatric Pathology (ST1-ST2) - Normal placenta histology - 28th September
Paediatric Pathology (ST1-ST2) - Placenta grossing parts 1 and 2 - 21st September - the paediatric pathology teaching plan can be found here
National ST1 Week (Bristol) - 6-10th September
RCPath New Trainee Welcome Day - 20th August - programme
Histopathology Induction Day - 6th August - Programme, Terminology in Pathology (Dr Asma Faruqi)
Past ST1 Regional Training 2020-21
Cytology Teaching - Gynae & Non-Gynae Black Boxes - 16th July 2021
Respiratory study day - 9th July
Audit and CPC day - 25th June - Programme
Cardiovascular study days - 17-18th June - Flyer, Programme
ST1 ARCP - 24th May 2021
Cytology Teaching - Non-cervical glandular lesions & Respiratory cytology - 21st May
Liver study day - 11th May - Recording 1, Recording 2, Recording 3. (2020 lecture recordings below)
Uropathology study day - 26th April - Programme
Prostate Pathology - Dr D Nonaka-Presentation
Staging in Uropathology - Dr C Horsfield - Presentation
Cytology Teaching - Glandular dyskaryosis & Lymph node cytology - 23rd April
Head and neck study day - 13th April - Programme
Cysts of the head, neck and jaw - Dr B Barrett - Presentation
Gynae study day - 15th April - Programme
Haematopathology study day- 26th March - Programme
Cytology Teaching - SCC cervix & Salivary gland FNA - 19th March
ST1-ST3 Haempath teaching, Dr Ayoma Atygalle- 26th February - Presentation
Cytology Teaching - Squamous dyskaryosis & Thyroid FNA - 19th February
Dermatopathology ST1 study day - 1st February 2021 - Slides and recordings awaited
Approach to inflammatory skin conditions - regional Friday teaching 29th Jan 2021, Dr Rathi Ramakrishnan- presentation
Approach to liver biopsies - regional Friday teaching 22nd Jan 2021, Dr Goldin (useful powerpoint with ++pictures)- presentation
ST1 Cervical Cytology Teaching week at Cervical Cytology London (CSL)- 2nd-6th November 2020 - Introductory booklet
BDIAP Study Days - Molecular Pathology- 10th November
Presentations awaited from organisers. Please refer to the conference guidelines for the use of the slides and recorded presentations. The recorded presentations are available on the BDIAP website on the ‘post event information’ page (a link has been emailed to all participants).
BIDIAP Study Day- Cut Up- 11th November
Presentations awaited from organisers. Please refer to the conference guidelines for the use of the slides and recorded presentations. The recorded presentations are available on the BDIAP website on the ‘post event information’ page (a link has been emailed to all participants).
ST1 Lower GI Study Days- 5th and 6th October, organised by Dr W Heung Chong
Presentation on large bowel mucosal biopsies
Presentation on colorectal polyps
Presentation on the Molecular aspects of pathogenesis of adenomas and colorectal cancers
Slides are available at NDP.Serve and log in with your surname as your username (case sensitive) and the password “0913kmcxa97t”
Slides from ‘Bristol week’ teaching 2020 : https://slidebox.bristol.ac.uk/s8199/, lecture recordings and presentations all available on the Microsoft Teams Channel
Badia Ahmed ST4 Trainee Rep Presentation
Breast study day - 11th March 2021 - Timetable - Borderline breast cases
ST1 Handbook 20/21 - To be uploaded (please use 19/20 version below)
ST1 Regional Training 2019-20
Liver series for ST1s
Jun 2 - Dr Ali Wistanley Recording - lecture starts at approximately 22 min
Jun 9 - Dr Jen Watkins Recording
Jun 16 - Dr Rob Goldin Recording
Jul 1 - Dr Alberto Quaglia
Previous sessions
July 28 - Dr Mary Varia - Approach to common renal neoplasms - presentation available to download - click here
October 20 - Dr Nabeel Salmon and Dr Anjali Bhatnagar - Breast pathology
ST1 Placenta Badia Ahmed May 18, 2020
Download Placenta presentation