Mt. Weiss Hospital


The below information is based on n reviews from trainees.

Cut Up

Specialty/General/Time Limited/All Cases/Shared with AP Every Day/Three Days/Two Days/One Day a week

Prorated for LTFT/LTFT doing more % cut up than fulltimers in working time

Reporting Time

Generally Able to Doublehead/Sometimes Able to Doublehead/Generally Unable to Doublehead - percentage?

Generally Get Feedback on Reports/Sometimes Able to Get Feedback/Unable to Get Feedback on Reports - percentage of the time?


Formal/Friendly/Easygoing/Strict/Understanding/Hostile/Tense/Constructive/Bullying/ Flexible/Nurturing/Inspiring/Relaxed/Toxic/Uncommunicative/Outdated/Stressful/Unsupportive/Micromanaged/Infantalising/Encouraging/Proactive/Adaptive- word cloud?

Teaching program (didactic)

Average sessions:

Once a week/Two times/Three times/Four times/Five times

Generally relevant and useful/Sometimes relevant and useful/Not relevant or useful

Trainee feedback

Proactively seek trainee feedback in between formal meetings/Trainee feedback only at formal meetings which occur regularly each quarter/Irregular formal meetings or do not seek trainee feedback

When trainee feedback is received:

The department generally/sometimes/does not listen, act and adapt in a prompt manner

Educational supervisors

If more than one supervisor at the department, please let us know the overall average with trainees to your best knowledge.

Do they meet with you often? More Frequently/Every quarter (three monthly)/Twice a year/Difficult to meet less than twice a year.

When you meet with your educational supervisor, do they discuss and help you with your personal goals and specialty interests? Generally/Sometimes/No

Are they prompt with any paperwork you need? Generally/Sometimes/No

Study Leave

Can you get it when you ask for it and are you able to attend all your mandatory training days? Generally/Sometimes/No

Are you able to attend all the optional training and courses you wish to go to?


Less than Full Time Training

Do you feel supported and not treated especially harshly because you were/are a LTFT trainee? Generally/Sometimes/No


Are the transport links good and comfortably commutable from non-local areas? Generally/It depends/Not really

Is the local area interesting and convenient in terms of shops, opening hours and culture? Yes/Some good points/Not really


Do you feel supported and considered by this department as an academic trainee in terms of the rota and your academic work? Generally/Sometimes/No

Are there any opportunities for academic work outside of an academic job at this department? Generally/Sometimes/None Known

Locums and Trust Grades

Are there any posts that open up at this site for locums or trust grades? Every year/Infrequent but occurs/Not Really

Are non-training pathologists supported in their personal goals e.g given study leave or teaching in the goal of passing Part 2 or achieving CESR? Generally/Sometimes/No/Unknown