Medical Education Fellows for Histopathology and Haematology

Dear Trainee Colleague,

As you know the School of Pathology has a long and successful record in running Medical Education Fellows for Histopathology and Haematology. We are trying to recruit to posts to be held from April 21 for six months as OOPE/R time in training. They offer an excellent opportunity for you to develop your generic skills in Medical Education as well as gaining discipline related expertise. The posts would both be based as secondments at GSTT. The closing date is soon (14 Feb 2021) and all you need to do is to draft a short statement explaining why you are interested and what you hope to gain from this time. Despite everything else that is going on with Covid please do consider taking up this excellent opportunity.

If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact myself, Deepti or Catherine.

Best wishes,



Martin Young

Head of School of Pathology for London and Southeast (LaSE)

Health Education England 

4th Floor, Stewart House | 32 Russell Square | London | WC1B 5DN


T. 020 7863 1395

M. 07931 452687



PPE: Pathologist and the Pandemic Evolution


Fellow in Medical Education based in Histopathology